2020Lang SUPER SOXX COLOR 4-FACH Item no. Farve: Grå, pink og orangegule nuancer. Two 50g Balls of Lang Jawoll Twin Color Gradient Sock Knitting Yarn #82 0510. Weight: Fingering / 4-ply / Super Fine. 4-thread sock yarn made of alpaca wool. Send til en ven. A list of the most popular yarns from Lang Yarns and links to workable alternatives. Soft & durable! Autorin Mary Jane Mucklestone hält hierfür 150 Strickmuster aus Skandinavien zum Nachstricken bereit, die sie mit Strickproben, Zählmustern und alternativen Farbkombinationen bestückt präsentiert. Super Soxx by Lang 75% Virgin wool25% NylonSuperwash Metreage ∼420m / 100g Needle size (mm) 2½ - 3½ Care instructions Jawoll Color Cotton Stretch 45% Wool35% Cotton13% Nylon7% Polyester Metreage ∼440m / 100g Needle size (mm) 2½ - 3½ Strikkefasthed: 30 x 41. Care instructions: Machine Wash Cold, Tumble Dry Low. Im Buch gefundenMit Irina Heemanns innovativer und preisgekrönter Stricktechnik ist dies nun leicht erlernbar. . Lang Super Soxx is a high-quality sock yarn. Lang Super Soxx 901 Mountain Soxx is a wool and nylon blend sock yarn with a range of fun self-patterning colors to choose from. With colours that have been dyed for fantastic effects, and easy care, it's sure to become your go-to sock yarn, wonderful for children's garments too. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color 4-fach Light Green 1095 209. Soft & durable! C$19.00 Lang SuperSoxx is a high-quality sock yarn. Lang Super Soxx 901 Mountain Soxx is a wool and nylon blend sock yarn with a range of fun self-patterning colors to choose from. Yarn is a perfect all-purpose yarn for sport/DK weight projects. Qty. Lang Yarns Super Soxx JacquardSoxx — the high-quality superwash sock wool, made from wool and polyamide. Gauge 28sts My Yarn Club or Dollar Yarn Club questions? Beskrivelse. Gauge 28sts stashes (842) pattern ideas. $10.09 New. Green 18 Gray 23 Multi 25 Brown 26 Navy 35 Red 61. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 1Mit Trage-Guide und Tipps dazu, wie das Tuch am besten zur Geltung kommt. Sylvie Rasch, Strick-, Häkel- und handwerkliches Multitalent, gründete 2009 ihr eigenes Modelabel ""CraSy®"" mit frecher Strickmode für Sie und Ihn. £9.45. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color 4-fach Gray 1095 206. 2.50mm-3.50mm. Fiber Content: 75% Wool, 25% Nylon. Lang. Add your review. Super lækre og utrolig flotte strømper får du at dette skønne strømpegarn fra Lang Yarns. Superwash. $3.00 shipping. Jawoll Magic Sock Yarn Superwash 4fach 100g Colour 70. by Lang Yarns. Metreage ∼420m / 100gNeedle size (mm) 2½ - 3½Care instructions. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color 4-Fach/4-Ply. Care instructions. Výrobce: Lang Yarns Název příze: Super Soxx, TeamPlayers Odstín: 901.0277 Basketball Tloušťka příze: fingering (4-nitka) Hmotnost klubíčka: 100g Návin: 420 m Doporučená velikost jehlic: 2,5 -3,5mm Složení: 75% Schurwolle (vlna, superwash) / 25% Polyamid Vzorek 10 x 10 cm = 30 ok x 41 řad při použití jehlic vel. JTL eBay-template - Adpet Lang Yarns SUPER SOXX COLOR 4-PASS 295 Consumption men / M: Wool needle size: 75% virgin wool, 25% polyamide Wool running length: Super Soxx Color 4Ply by Lang Yarns - sock yarn of outstanding quality. Farve: Blå og gråbrune nuancer. Knitting gauge. Socks are even more fun with self-patterning yarn. yarns > Lang Yarns > Merino+ Superwash. Produceret i Italien. 100g ca. $20.00. 5 g reinforcement yarn. rating of 4.4 from 529 votes. It comes in large 150g skeins so there is enough yarn to make even a bigger pair of socks with just a one skein of yarn. £5.88 postage. Fjord Socks. Lang's Super Soxx is a wonderful superwash sock yarn with vibrant colorways. 75% wool, 18% nylon, 7% acrylic. 210m (229 yds) 50g incl. DKK 125,00. Sale. Home > Super Soxx Colour. Super lækre og utrolig flotte strømper får du at dette skønne strømpegarn fra Lang Yarns. Wish List Compare !Lang Super Soxx StepbyStep 6-Ply - Fuchsia Twilight (Color #255) - BIG 150 GRAM SKEINS . Gauge: 7.5 stitches per 1" on US 3 (3.25mm) needles. 901 Composition: 75% Virgin wool, 25% Nylon Superwash Metreage ∼420m / 100g Needle size (mm) 2½ - 3½ Care instructions: Use detergent for fine wash without softener! In stock (8) Jawoll - the sock wool classic, tried, tested and approved for many years - includes heel re-inforcement yarn to strengthen heels and toes to lengthen the life of your socks! Im Buch gefundenIn diesem großen Grundkurs erklärt die Nadelerfinderin Sylvie Rasch - bekannt unter ihrem Markennamen "CraSy" erstmals ausführlich, wie verschiedenste Fersen, Spitzen und auch Toe-Up-Socken kinderleicht mit dem CraSyTrio gestrickt werden ... Texture: Plied (3 or more plies) Fiber: Superwash Wool (65%), Nylon (25%), Cashmere (10%) The combination of superwash wool & nylon will have you knitting pair after pair of socks. Schöne Socken kann man nie genug haben. Niina Laitinen hat ihre 20 Lieblingsprojekte in diesem Buch zusammengefasst. Je nach Garnstärke und -qualität eigenen sich die Socken-Strickmuster für die verschiedenen Jahreszeiten. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color 4-Fach/4-Ply. 9&nb.. € 4,25. Fiber Conten Kan dog også sagtens bruges til en flot trøje eller diverse tilbehør. Garnet er superwash behandlet. Soft & durable! The combination of superwash wool & nylon will have you knitting pair after pair of socks. Im Buch gefundenSeit Boshi-Mützen und Amigurumi-Figuren wissen wir: Japanische Häkelmuster sehen kunstvoll und hoch kompliziert aus, sind aber im Handumdrehen selbst gehäkelt. Jetzt ist es Zeit für neue Handarbeitsideen im typisch japanischen Design! Lang Yarns Super SOXX Color 159: Superwash, fingering weight sock yarn. $3.25 shipping. Dieser Band wird allen Strickbegeisterten ein wertvoller Begleiter sein, um eigene Stücke passgenau zu verändern und auf die individuellen Maße und Bedürfnisse abzuändern: Die enthaltenen 99 verschiedenen Methoden zeigen Schritt für ... Machine-washable and dryable, this easy-care yarn knits up in faux fair isle patterns, taking the color-juggling effort out of patterned socks! Add to Cart. 50 g - 210 m 75% Scheerwol, 25% Polyamide Naalddikte 2,5-3,5 Truimaat 40 is ca. This product is currently unavailable for purchase. This yarn is soft to knit and makes a very durable sock. Fibre: 65% ren ny uld, 25% nylon og 10% cashmere. Jawoll is Lang's sock yarn. Kan dog også sagtens bruges til en flot trøje eller diverse tilbehør. projects (2018) comments (3) . stashed 6 times. Lang Super Soxx Color 314 - Tide(Ebbe) $ 19.99 Add to cart Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Lang Super Soxx Color Superwash. Summer hours may vary. Pickup currently unavailable. Lækkert og blødt kvalitets strømpegarn med flotte print motiver. $15.99. Produceret i Italien. Kundernes Favorit 100g 100g. Dye: Machine dyed. Meters: 400m. Im Buch gefundenNeben der technischen Anleitung für die Formen widmet sich Autorin Sandra Eng außerdem ausführlich der Farblehre und gibt dem Leser Tipps und Tricks zur optimalen Farbkombination an die Hand. 55% wool (superwash) + 25% nylon + 20% alpacka. Texture: Plied (3 or more plies) Fiber: Superwash Wool (65%), Nylon (25%), Cashmere (10%) Green 18 Gray 23 Multi 25 Brown 26 Navy 35 Red 61. $3.25 shipping. Im Buch gefundenNoch mehr Tücher, Schals, Westen und Jacken mit BOBBEL-Wolle, in schönen Mustern, mit originellen Schnitten und tollen Farben im Farbverlauf, von Veronika Hug. Needle size (mm) 2½ - 3½. Indhold: 75% Virgin wool, 25% Nylon . Super Soxx Cashmere color - Lang yarns - Garnoteket. Metreage: 420m / 100g. 112,00 kr. A special dyeing technology gives you an opportunity to knit striped and jacquard-looking socks so easily! Yarn is a perfect all-purpose yarn for sport/DK weight projects. . +31153649694 Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, James River Yarn Crawl, September 17, 2021, Donation to our Virginia Beach Animal Care & Adoption Center. 55% wool (superwash) + 25% nylon + 20% alpacka. Lang Yarns Super SOXX Color 289: Superwash, fingering weight sock yarn. Lang Yarns Super Soxx 6-ply is sturdy and durable sock yarn, combination of 75% virgin wool of Corriedale sheep and 25% nylon. Lang (Jawoll Superwash Sock, Jawoll Superwash Twin Sock, Super Soxx Color 4-ply, Super Soxx Cashmere Color, Twin Soxx, Super Soxx Cotton Stretch 4-ply) Mirasol (Paqu Pura, Nuna, Nuna Fina, Umina) Regia (Pairfect Sock) Rico (Baby Classic DK) Whether you are knitting a pair of socks or a couture poncho, Lang has a yarn for your knitting pleasure. This is the multi colored self-striping and tweed version of Jawoll 4 ply sock yarn. Lang Yarns Super soxx color, farve 169, 100g. Durable and longlasting, Super SOXX color comes in many different color combinations. stashed 842 times. rating of 5.0 from 4 votes Find Lang Yarns color cards at langyarns.com Page created: July 27, 2021 Last updated: August 2, . Super Soxx Color - Mix Pack Soxx. Machine-washable and dryable, this easy-care yarn knits up in faux fair isle patterns, taking the color-juggling effort out of patterned socks! Super Soxx Color. Indhold: 75% ren ny uld, 25% polyamid. Lauflänge ca. 75% Wool, 25% Nylon. Gauge: 7.5 stitches per 1” on US 3 (3.25mm) needles, Pattern Suggestions for Super Soxx:Heel Toe Do Si Do - Crazy Sock Lady DesignsTrusty Toe Up Socks - Tanis Lavallee Sockhead Slouch Hat - Kelly McClure, A community-spirited gathering place where fiber enthusiasts can come together to enjoy common interests and the fondness for everything to, Heel Toe Do Si Do - Crazy Sock Lady Designs. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Colour . Super Soxx Cashmere Color From LANG YARNS - Rust (0001) - 100 G / About 380 M. £13.43 . > Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color > Lang Yarns Super soxx color, farve 169, 100g. Im Buch gefundenFrischer Wind für Strickmuster! Super Soxx Cashmere Color 4 Ply makes the ultimate in luxurious socks. Lang Super Soxx Color 270 Lion. Socks are even more fun with self-patterning yarn. + -. Ideen für Häkelarbeiten mit neuen Formen der Granny Squares: Aus 3, 5 oder 6 Ecken, Kreisen oder Sternen entstehen Decken, Kissenbezüge u.v.m. Pure new wool, superwash equipped. . Weight/ Yardage: 100g/ 459 yards. Lang Yarns Ella is a delicate, elegant and luxurious yarn with a variable structure, being alternately matte, glossy, transparent and solid. Superwash Wool 11 items; Superwash Wool Blend . Garnet er superwash behandlet. Super Soxx Cashmere Color. Im Buch gefundenBärige Zeiten brechen an. 75% wool/25% Nylon Vaskeanvisning: 40 grader og let tørretumble. 75% Superwash Wool, 25% Nylon Lang SuperSoxx is a high-quality sock yarn. Super Soxx Cashmere color - Lang yarns. Super Soxx Alpaca. Die Autorin stellt modische, schicke, alltagstaugliche Socken - speziell für Männer - vor, die mit den Arbeitsanleitungen passgenau nachgestrickt werden können. Ella. Im Buch gefundenSchals und Cowls für jede Jahreszeit Nancy Marchant, die Königin des Brioche-Stricken , hat mit Lust auf Brioche ganz neue Muster fürs Brioche-Stricken entworfen. Woodsoxx Collection. The wool for the sock yarn comes from Corriedale sheep from Patagonia (Chile). Super Soxx - Jungle Soxx. Yarn Im Buch gefundenDie 40 Sockenmodelle in diesem Buch markieren wichtige Stationen der Kindheit: Mit von der Partie sind Figuren wie das Sandmännchen, der Teddy, der Seeräuber und auch Motive aus Tier und Pflanzenwelt. Fiber content: 75 % Wool - 25 % Polyamide Unit: 100 g Yardage: 437 yds/3.5 oz (400 m/100 g) Needle size: US 1.5 - 2.5 (2.5 - 3 mm) 100 g = . Light Fingering. $13.50. Aran 100% Merino 98 yards / 50 grams 2018 projects. Strikkefasthed: 30 x 41. Weight: Super Fine/ Fingering. Lang Yarns Super soxx color, farve 197, 100g. Im Buch gefundenOmbré - so heißt der Trend zum Farbverlauf, der aus Mode und Beauty nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Anbefalet pindestørrelse: 2½ - 3½. 75% Superwash New Wool, 25% Nylon. $5.02 New. It comes in large 150g skeins so there is enough yarn to make even a bigger pair of socks with just a one skein of yarn. Schals, Mützen, Stirnbänder, Tuch, Muff, Hand- und Beinstulpen sowie Handschuhe in verschiedenen Mustern und Wollarten für Kinder von 6 bis 10 Jahren. SKU: LANG-supsoal Category: LANG Yarns Tag: LANG Yarns. Im Buch gefundenKennen Sie schon das SoxxBook mit dem neuen SoxxLook? Die bunten, farbenfrohen Muster der Autorin Kerstin Balke, besser bekannt als Stine & Stitch, machen nicht nur auf den berühmten Soxx eine gute Figur. > Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color > UDGÅET Lang Yarns Super soxx color, farve 178, 100g. Machine-washable and dryable, this easy-care yarn knits up in faux fair isle patterns, taking the color-juggling effort out of patterned socks!➤ Shop similar yarns. Weight: Super Fine/ Fingering. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 43MATERIALS ABBREVIATIONS ch chain Yarn Blue socks: hdc half double crochet dc Lana Grossa Meilenweit 100 Cotton Stretch ... 100 g); color #8060 double crochet fpdc sl st Pink socks: fpdc2tog Lang Yarns Super Soxx Cashmere Color, #1 super ... With colours that have been dyed for fantastic effects, and easy care, it's sure to become your go-to sock yarn. by Lang Yarns. 208 Weston Road. Home colorways. UDGÅET Lang Yarns Super soxx color, MountainSoxx: Dolomitterne 230, 100g Reference: Super Soxx 901.0230 På lager - Levering 1-2 hverdage Vejledende udsalgspris Yarn / Super Fine/ Fingering. Color: Barber pole, Solid color. Color. Lang Yarns - Super Soxx Color . Needles: 2.5-3.5mm. Lang Yarns - Super Soxx 6ply. Lang. Produceret i Italien. Lang Golf Mercerized Cotton Fingering Sock Yarn 5 Balls Dark Brown. £5.62 postage. Care: Superwash. £4.01. 75% Superwash Wool, 25% Nylon. Weight: Fingering / 4-ply / Super Fine. Lang Jawoll Superwash Sock 50g 75% Superwash New Wool, 25% Nylon 210m (229 yds) 50g incl. It is available in 4 ply fingering & 6 ply sport weights, in solids, stripes and jacquard effects. Et nøgle består af 100 g. Løbelængde: 380 m pr. Shop online 24/7. Lang Yarns Jawoll Sock Yarn 4fach + Auxiliary Yarn Fb.23 Light Grey. På lager - Levering 2-3 hverdage (3 stk) . Avec des couleurs teintes pour des effets fantastiques et un entretien facile. Im Buch gefundenWollige Lieblinge für kalte Tage: In der neuen Woolly Hugs Ausgabe zeigt Veronika Hug Techniken, um traumhafte Handschuhe und Stulpen zu stricken. Merino+ Superwash from Lang Yarns. Colorways have a gradual color fade effect combined with a periodic thin stripe design. Lang Yarns - Super Soxx 6ply. Now Only $7.50 Regular Price $25.00. Soft & durable! 30.0. It is available in 4 ply fingering & 6 ply sport weights, in solids, stripes and jacquard effects. 75% Superwash Wool, 25% Nylon . Diese Socken rocken! Lang Yarns Jawoll Magic Superwash Lang Yarns Jawoll Twin Lang Yarns Mille Colori Socks & Lace Lang Yarns Mille Colori Socks & Lace Luxe Lang Yarns Super Soxx Alpaca Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color 4-Fach/4-Ply . Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Soft and durable, this classic mix of 75% new wool and 25% polyamide. The combination of superwash wool & nylon will have you knitting pair after pair of socks. Jacquardsoxx i flotte colour modeller der vil bringe lykke hos dig selv eller en glad modtager af et par. Use detergent for fine wash without softener! 0 stars based on 0 reviews. The brand's portfolio of fine yarns are accompanied by a fashion forward portfolio of knitting patterns that are fun & interesting to knit. Works as well for mittens, hats and anything else you would like to knit of it. Durable and longlasting, Super SOXX color comes in many different color combinations. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Capital Cities Satte Farben bilden ein sportliches Ringelmuster für Socken und Accessoires die gern getragen werden! SKU: LANG-supsoal Category: LANG Yarns Tag: LANG Yarns. Facebook Phone Cart. Vægt/længde: 100 gram = 420 meter. !Lang Super Soxx 6-Ply - Royal Violet (Color #0006) - BIG 150 GRAM SKEINS . Toronto ON M6N 3P5. Fibre: 85% Virgin Wool / 25% Nylon Meterage: ~180m / 100g Needle size: 4-4.5mm Gauge: 20.0 sts = 4 inches Care instructions: Use gentle detergent for wll/delicate fabrices - no softener. Note: With the two Degrade shades, you can knit 2 identical socks. Needles: 2.5-3.5mm. Yarn; Viewing as a guest user. $21.00. Color: Self-striping. Socks are even more fun with self-patterning yarn. Send til en ven. 2,5 - 3,5 mm Super Soxx Superwash - Lang - (). Super cuddly garter yarn, which is also tender enough for scarves and tops because of the cashmere content. 75% Superwash Wool, 25% Nylon. Lang Yarns Jawoll Superwash koop je bij Pera Pasha in delft, Pijnacker, Zoetermeer, Berkel en Rodenrijs en natuurlijk verzending in heel Nederland, België en Duitsland Knitting Yarn Lang yarns Super Soxx colour 8 ply sock yarn. Sockenwolle 4-fädig 100g Knäuel. Monday- Friday 11ish-6ish, Saturday 11ish-5ish, closed Sunday and most holidays. You can easily trace the wool to the origin, a natural and exemplary sheep farming of high . Super Soxx 901 - Mountain Soxx. SALE Lang Twinn Soxx Superwash. Knitting gauge. $8.07 New. $8.10 New. buy this yarn online. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Colour . Weight: Fingering / 4-ply / Super Fine. Texture: Plied (3 or more plies) Fiber: Superwash Wool (75%), Nylon (25%) Needles: A perfect combination for creating socks that are super soft, warm, strong and wear-resistant. Two 50g Balls of Lang Jawoll Twin Color Gradient Sock Knitting Yarn #82 0510. . $15.00 - $20.00. Pickup currently unavailable at 208 Weston Road. BERROCO/LANG Berroco Sox Coco Comfort Sock Medina Modern Cotton DK Modern Cotton Worsted Quinoa Sesame Super Soxx Tiramisu Ultra Wool Ultra Wool Chunky Ultra Wool DK Ultra Wook Fine Vintage DK BREDICULOUS Addy Socks Addy Minis Aubs Worsted Cozy Bulky BROWN SHEEP CO. Cotton Fleece Lambs Pride Bulky CASCADE YARNS 220 Superwash Aran Splatter Check availability at other stores. Farve: Gule og brune nuancer. Each skein includes a 5 g roll of 2-ply color matched reinforcement yarn (42 m). With colours that have been dyed for fantastic effects, and easy care, it's sure to become your go-to sock yarn. Mit Garn und Häkelnadel wird ein Schuh draus! Home > Super Soxx Colour. Color: Quantity: Add to Cart Soft & durable! A Yarn Cupboard favorite. Delivery time: 4-6 days. Der er 100 g i et nøgle og altså nok til to strømper. $12.00. The combination of superwash wool & nylon will have you knitting pair after pair of socks. Quick view Choose Options. Super Soxx Color 4 ply by Lang Yarns. Lang Alpaca Soxx; Lang Twin Soxx(100gr) Lang Super Soxx Color; Pro Lana Alicante 13 Cotton Stretch Sock Yarn; Pro Lana Kid Seta; Rico Creative Lazy Hazy Summer Cotton; Rico Superba Bamboo Sock Yarn; Comfort Sock Yarn Color; Pro Lana Mont Blanc Sock Yarn; King Cole Summer Sox Cotton; Ella Rae Phoenox DK Prints; Amano Inti Pima Cotton; Berroco . $15.99. Super Soxx Alpaca. Super Soxx Cashmere Color. 50 bezaubernde Häkelmuster mit Reliefmaschen.Wer gerne häkelt, muss auf schöne Zopfmuster, wie man sie zahlreich unter den Strickmustern finden kann, dank der Reliefmasche nicht verzichten.Die Reliefmasche ist somit eine Häkelmasche, ... 25% Nylon. 2943 projects. Umfangreiche Zusammenstellung von Ideen für kreative Geldgeschenke zu allen Gelegenheiten - Geburt, Einschulung, Kommunion/Konfirmation, Geburtstag, Hochzeit, Weihnachten etc. Meters: 400m. 909.0176. Výrobce: Lang Yarns Název příze: Super Soxx, TeamPlayers Odstín: 901.0276 Hockey Tloušťka příze: fingering (4-nitka) Hmotnost klubíčka: 100g Návin: 420 m Doporučená velikost jehlic: 2,5 -3,5mm Složení: 75% Schurwolle (vlna, superwash) / 25% Polyamid Vzorek 10 x 10 cm = 30 ok x 41 řad při použití jehlic vel. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Lang Yarns Super Soxx Color 4-fach Red 1095 207. Lang Yarns Jawoll Superwash Ash (83.0003)voorraad: 11. 459 yards/100 grams. Super Soxx Color. 41 by 30.0. Lang SuperSoxx est un fil de chaussette de haute qualité. Lang Yarns Nordic Super Soxx 6 - Compartment Color 150g/390m. Kundernes Favorit 100g 100g. $18.00 +-Add to cart. Super Soxx Cashmere Color | Lang Yarns. There is a separation of undyed yarn between the 2 identical portions of degrade in the middle of the ball, to show where the colours end. Im Buch gefundenDie modernen grafischen Strickmodelle der jungen Topdesignerin Saara Toikka richten sich an stilbewusste Frauen jeden Alters. 100g ball LANG TWIN SOXX superwash sock knitting yarn #0174 CHARCOAL WHITE GREY. 208 Weston Road. Pro Lana. 459 yards / 100 grams. Lang Yarn. It has a pattern that makes it easy to knit. Hier werden kleine Schneemänner gefilzt, Fliegenpilze gehäkelt, Paperballs für den Christbaum gefertigt, Grusskarten gebastelt und Kerzen festlich dekoriert.
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