ecb statistical data warehouse

conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Aruba - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; activities of household and extra-territorial organizations and bodies, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Individual consumption expenditure - Australia - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH), Domestic currency (incl. Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Previous year prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Gross fixed capital formation - Angola - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Fixed assets by type of asset (gross), Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Chain linked volume, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Gross domestic product at market prices - Japan - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Secondary income, current transfers - Australia - Rest of the World, Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. It is slow but it works. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Output - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements - Belgium - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. Only the first 500 are displayed. The data and their descriptions are presented in a harmonised and integrated way, thus ensuring a better understanding and accessibility of ECB statistics. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Gross fixed capital formation - Netherlands Antilles - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Fixed assets by type of asset (gross), Domestic currency (incl. Publications. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 77... 2 European Central Bank Statistical Data Warehouse – Money, credit and banking – MFI ... conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Afghanistan - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Manufacturing, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Chain linked volume, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Value added, gross - Australia - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Financial and insurance activities, Domestic currency (incl. Home > Currency Converter. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets - Belgium - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Final consumption expenditure - Argentina - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. Currency Converter ECB Statistical Data Warehouse. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Taxes less subsidies on products - Andorra - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. Consolidated banking data. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Chain linked volume, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Gross domestic product at market prices - Japan - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Intermediate consumption - Belgium - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. Arable land (hectares per person) Code: AG.LND.POP.ZS Data Type: Time Series Periodicity: Annual Dataset: WDI Database Archives Last Updated: Jul … conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets - Argentina - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Capital formation (should be Gross capital formation) - Aruba - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Produced non-financial assets (gross), Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Constant prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Gross domestic product at market prices - Bangladesh - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Value added, gross - Bangladesh - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Total - All activities, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Constant prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Final consumption expenditure - United Arab Emirates - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Saving, net - EU28 (fixed composition) - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Secondary income, current transfers - Argentina - Rest of the World, Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Exports of goods and services - Andorra - Rest of the World, Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Value added, gross - Australia - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Information and communication, Domestic currency (incl. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 101Source: BankScope database, European Central Bank (ECB), World Bank, ... Country-level data from the ECB Statistical Data Warehouse (ECB 2019b) are used. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Chain linked volume, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Gross fixed capital formation - Australia - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Fixed assets by type of asset (gross), Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Constant prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Andorra - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Construction, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Consumption of fixed capital (neg) - Australia - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Produced non-financial assets (gross), Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Constant prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Final consumption expenditure - Andorra - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), General government, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Constant prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Exports of goods and services - Bangladesh - Rest of the World, Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. Just Now More results . conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Disposable income, net - Australia - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. ECB Statistical Data Warehouse. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Andorra - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Total - All activities, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Secondary income, current transfers - United Arab Emirates - Rest of the World, Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Saving, net - Bangladesh - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Final consumption expenditure - United Arab Emirates - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Previous year prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Angola - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Total - All activities, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Afghanistan - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; accommodation and food service activities, Domestic currency (incl. ECB Statistical Data Warehouse. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Net lending (pos) / net borrowing (neg) - United Arab Emirates - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Current prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Value added, gross - Aruba - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Manufacturing, Domestic currency (incl. Pacificsource medicaid prior auth form 5 . May 3, 2020. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Wages and salaries - Australia - Domestic (home or reference area), Total economy, Total - All activities, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fix parity), Current prices, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Total population - Australia - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Persons, Not applicable, Non transformed data, Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, Final consumption expenditure - Australia - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), General government, Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity), Constant prices, , Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted, Gross capital formation - Bangladesh - World (all entities, including reference area, including IO), Total economy, Produced non-financial assets (gross), Domestic currency (incl.

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