2021The primary economic activities of these communities are agricultural (corn, beans, coffee and barley), cattle and goat ranching, and forestry, primarily with the following timber species: Pinus spp., Quercus spp., Liquidambar styraciflua and Cedrela odorata. Nucleotide Sequences (Showing 5 of 6) Cedrela odorata partial 16S ribosomal RNA (ENA - KF246583.11..1380:rRNA) Cedrela odorata voucher CICY:Cedrela odorata botanical garden record 1tRNA-Ala (trnA) gene, complete sequence; and 23S ribosomal RNA … Spanish cedar, or cedro, grows in South America. Reasonator; PetScan; Scholia; Statistics; OpenStreetMap; Locator tool; Search depicted; Subcategories. Liste der in CITES und der VO(EG) 338/97 geschützten Holzarten Stand: 02.01.2017 (CITES), 26.11.2016 (EU) Erläuterungen der Fußnoten am Ende der Gesamtliste . Cedrela glaziovii C.DC. de que se cite la fuente de donde proviene. None. Cedar wood is one of the most commercially valuable timber products, greatly sought after for its quality. Die meisten CITES-Listungen für gehandelte Baumarten betreffen … Timber. It's called 'cedar' because it smells nice. Introduction species by national authorities (INRENA, 2004) and since 1988 has been listed on CITES Appendix III, under which Cedrela odorata L. (cedro, Spanish cedar) is a neotropical, both export and import require export permits from the broadleaf tree species. Die meisten CITES-Listungen für gehandelte Baumarten betreffen Stämme, Schnittholz und Furnierholz oder Holzschnitzel für die Papierindustrie. Palisander / rosewood CITES II / B Diospyros Ebenholz / ebonyspp. Tree. Bolivia and Brazil (In addition, Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru listed their national populations) #5. Call us at 1 315 4971058. Cedrela odorata L. taxonomy/phylogenetic: USDA-ARS GRIN Taxonomy: search W3TROPICOS: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Vascular Tropicos: Wikipedia: taxonomy/phylogenetic: iPhylo: Notes: Groups interested in participating in the LinkOut program should visit the LinkOut home page. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, Oxford, UK, pp. Sinónimo(s): C. odorata: C. mexicana, C. glaziovii, C. guianensis; C. fissilis: C. balansae, C. brasiliensis. Zeder (CITES Restriktionen unterworfen) Cedrela odorata. As informações disponíveis apontam para um altíssimo ritmo de extração da espécie ainda hoje, e por isso suspeita-se que a população de C. odorata já tenha declinado ao menos 30% ao longo de três gerações. It provides an overview of the trade in these taxa during the last decade – both globally and into the European Union (EU) – as well as a snapshot of illegal trade. Information from sequence entries Show … Cedrela Fast Facts Threats: Long history of exploitation, illegal harvest and trade, habitat loss IUCN Red List Status: C. odorata Vulnerable; C. fissilis and C. lilloi Endangered. Cedrela odorata Substance B. NSC118341. Cedrela odorata. Knowing CITES-listed Cedrela odorata in Guyana Published on April 13, 2016 April 13, 2016 • 8 Likes • 1 Comments. Finished. The bark is used in folk remedies for the treatment of diarrhea, vomiting, fever and inflammation. 1 Stand: 26.11.2019 (CITES), 14.12.2019 (EU) In der Tabelle auf den folgenden Seiten sind alle gegenwärtig geschützten Baumarten zum o.g. També se'n fan les guitarres clàssiques. More... Molecular Weight: 468.5 g/mol. Cedro bayo. CITES Vertragsstaatenkonferenz (August 2019) für den Holzbereich wurden alle Arten der Gattung Cedrela unter Schutz gestellt (CITES Anhang II): Cedrela odorata, Cedrela lilloi, Cedrela fissilis. Baum. Die folgenden Arten wurden vor kurzem in Anhang III des Übereinkommens aufgenommen: Calyptocephalella gayi auf Antrag Chiles, Agrias amydon boliviensis, Morpho godartii lachaumei und Prepona praeneste buckleyana auf Antrag Boliviens, Cedrela fissilis und Cedrela lilloi (beide mit Anmerkung) auf Antrag Boliviens, Cedrela odorata (mit Anmerkung) auf Antrag Boliviens und … Flora (CITES), a group of species that could be in danger in near-future. Bolivia #5. cites. TABLE 3 Least square means and standard errors by regional grouping for selected seed and seedling traits1 - "The tree Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae): a morphologically subdivided species in Costa Rica." MADE TO THE CITES APPENDICES AT CoP18 ... species of the genus Cedrela which are already listed in Appendix III (Cedrela fissilis, C. lilloi, and C. odorata), and at the EU level for the four species currently listed in Annex D to Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 (C. montana, C. oaxacensis, C. salvadorensis and C. tonduzii). Shifts in trade over time Trends in direct exports from the Region over the ten-year period 2003-2012 were examined **III** Population of Guatemala. In response to this heavy exploitation, the species have been listed in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory skin disease accompanied by itching. Create . Die Kosten für die Cites-Bescheinigung bei Einfuhr in NICHT-EU-LÄNDER in Höhe von ca. Classification phylogénétique Classification phylogénétique Clade Angiospermes Clade Dicotylédones vraies Clade Rosidées Clade Malvidées Ordre Sapindales Famille Meliaceae Espèce Cedrela odorata Statut de conservation UICN VU A1cd+2cd: Vulnérable Statut CITES Annexe III , Rév. Paquete Tecnológico Forestal para Cedro Cedrela odorata L. Guatemala, Departamento de Investigación Forestal. Die Art Cedrela odorata ist bereits von Peru (seit 2001), Kolumbien (2001), Guatemala (2008), Bolivien (2010) und Brasilien (2011) in Anhang III von CITES gelistet, genauso wie Cedrela fissilis und Cedrela lilloi von Bolivien und Brasilien. Cedrela odorata. C. odorata is a very large tree - it can grow to 40-50 meters tall - native to large areas of the tropical Americas. 338/97/EG sollten geändert werden, und die Einträge für diese Arten in Anhang D der genannten Verordnung sollten gestrichen werden, um eine Unstimmigkeit zwischen den CITES-Anhängen und den Anhängen der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Imported by the United States and Mexico. Zuwachszonengrenzen deutlich erkennbar. CITES and the guitar - Madinter International Edition 2017 2 What is the purpose of this guide? Liste der in CITES und der VO(EG) 338/97 geschützten Baumarten . Cèdre US (bois sous restriction CITES) Cedrela odorata Origine: Amérique centrale La disponibilité: sur demande Gamme de prix: €€€ Épaisseurs de placage: 0.6 mm Eco labels: Pure wood Qualité: Architectural, Classic Méthodes de tranchage: Dosse, Quartier Techniques de jointage: Livre ouvert, Glissé, Retourné glissé, Mixmatch Cedrela dugesii Watson. Cedro (Cedrela odorata): Harzausfluss (natürliche Größe) Farbe und Struktur Splint hellgrau oder rötlich grau, 3 bis 5 cm breit. Join Facebook to connect with Cedrela Odorata and others you may know. Source Region: African Plantation Sourcing . Allergies are uncommon but some people have reported respiratory problems. Supporters: Brazil, the CITES Initially, the trees were heavily attacked by H. grandella, but after a few years the attack decreased, and the trees appeared to become tolerant or resistant. Does my guitar need a CITES certificate? Cedro Cedrela odorata . Otros nombres comerciales, regionales y locales: Central American cedar, Honduras cedar, Nicaragua cedar, Tabasco cedar (US, GB); cedar (JA); aluk (CR); calicedro, cedro rojo (MX); yalam (NI); cedro amargo (VE); cédrat … Cedrela odorata es el miembro del género con la distribución más amplia. Cedrela odorata. Geographic localization is also essential to discovering the networks responsible for illegal logging, as has been shown for animal poaching (Wasser et al. In: Proceedings of the 11th Commonwealth Forestry Conference. Cedro blanco. Cites: Description: Cedar (Cedrela Odorata) Price & Conditions: Price: On demand: Incoterm: FOB - goods are loaded on a ship in port of export Country Brazil Region Manaus: Sells to: Worldwide: Escrow services. Anmerkungen Die Fußnoten des Übereinkommens legen fest, welche speziellen Teile oder Erzeugnisse einer Art Gegenstand der CITES-Listung sind. Supporters: Brazil, the CITES Cedrela odorata L. Species; See text. CITES: Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommens (englisch CITES) Für Cedrela Odorata wird bei Einfuhr in NICHT-EU-LÄNDER eine Cites-Bescheinigung verlangt. CITES: Tropical tree left stranded. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für Cedrela-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. RECOMMENDATIONS: Protected specie, under appendix III of CITES. Teak Other Common Names: Burmese Teak Botanical Name: Tectona grandis Source Region: Southern Asia, Africa, and South America Plantation Sourcing… Utile/Sipo. Hier muss, wie bei den Dalbergien, ein Ein- und Auslieferungsbuch geführt werden. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Of all the Cedrela species, perhaps the best known is The contemporary geography of the Neotropics was largely Cedrela odorata L. (Spanish cedar), until recently described completed with the final formation of the Amazon river sys- as a widespread but highly variable species (Pennington Journal of Biogeography 40, 732–746 733 ª 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd S. Cavers et al. To be deleted on 28 August 2020. Die Einfuhrmeldung ist direkt bei der Einfuhrzollstelle … Cedrela guianensis A.Juss. Contents. Based on its experience with the CITES-ITTO project, the Secretariat estimates the cost at around USD 1,000,000. A listing in CITES Appendix II would support enforcement efforts of the range states as both the USA and European Union would have a legal basis to act against trafficking of these iguanas. Granadillo CITES II / B Swietenia spp. **III** Population of … @kalpanainbasekaran. Family: MELIACEAE. Listed in CITES Annex III (Cedrela odorata: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru; C. fissilis, C. angustifolia: Bolivia). In the case of Cedrela odorata, only three populations are included in Appendix III (the populations of Inserts: Prismatic crystals in axial … Related #nature #wildlife #conservation #wildlifephotography #biodiversity #biodiversity2020 #Biodiversity2020 #wildlifecrime #ecosystem #wilderness. The most recent revision reduced the number of species in the genus to seven Styles, 1981. In Latin America. However, in other regions the species has been protected by specific … Many translated example sentences containing "Cedrela odorata" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Cedrela lilloi. Cedrela odorata has been listed in the Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES, 2010), thus allowing free trade in some countries. wurde unter Anhang II CITES gelistet. Nomenclatura de Cedrela odorata. Geruch des Holzes ausgeprägt (aromatisch). Sawn wood, doors, and furniture in trade. Cedrela odorata é uma espécie madeireira com alto valor comercial, que vem sendo excessivamente explorada ao longo de toda a sua distribuição há dois séculos. Regarding the consequences, Cedrela odorata invasion doesn’t have any significant impact on the above-ground biomass but has a strong negative effect on the tree community diversity, as far as decreasing Simpson diversity in Hill numbers from 27 equivalent species in slightly invaded plots to 2 equivalent species in largely invaded plots. Populations of the Neotropics.Entry into effect delayed by 12 months, i.e. Kernholz blass gelblich braun bis rotbraun, am Licht nachdunkelnd; das langsam gewachsene, aus höheren Lagen oder aus Gebieten südlich des Äquators stammende Holz liefert meist die dunkleren Qualitäten. Uses []. Cedrela属の分類に関する最も新しい研究では、同属の種は7種に減らされている 。この「セドロ」(common cedro)ことCedrela odorata L.には、C. Spanish Cedar (CITES II) Botanical Name: Cedrela odorata Source Region: African Plantation Sourcing Common Uses: Veneer, plywood, cabinetry, musical instruments,… Teak. Árvore. until 28 August 2020. A CITES függelékei és a 338/97/EK rendelet mellékletei közötti következetlenség megszüntetése végett a 338/97/EK rendelet C. mellékletében található, a Cedrela fissilis, a Cedrela lilloi és a Cedrela odorata fajokra vonatkozó megjegyzéseket módosítani, majd ezt követően az említett fajokat törölni kell a rendelet D. mellékletéből. La madera de cedro es uno de los productos de madera de mayor valor comercial, muy valorado por su calidad. on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES): Ramin or ... (Appendix II) and Red Cedar or Cedrela odorata (Appendix III). @darin_kam_ Дарина Каменева 168 … Anmerkungen Die Fußnoten des Übereinkommens legen fest, welche speziellen Teile oder Erzeugnisse einer Art Gegenstand der CITES-Listung sind. Für C. odorata zusätz-lich Guatemala, Kolumbien und Peru. 2021-03-27. Acta Botanica Mexicana 124 Hernández Ramos et al. Cedar (Cedrela odorata) is a tropical tree native to America with a geographic range that extends from Mexico to Argentina. La fusta sovint es ven sota el nom confús de "Spanish-cedar" i és la fusta amb què tradicionalment es fan les capses dels cigars. Science Société Art Lieu Temps Personnalité Personnage.azw.bat.com (MS-DOS).cue.dbf.eus.exe.lnk.MCO.NET Core.NET Remoting.nfo.properties.pst.sys (2E,6E)-Farnésyle diphosphate synthase (137170) 1999 HF1 (153757) 2001 UN210 (277810) 2006 FV35 (422699) 2000 PD3 (acyl-carrier-protein) S-acétyltransférase (acyl-carrier-protein) S-malonyltransférase (E)-4-Hydroxy … (Serie técnica DT-29-2019). The genus Cedrela has undergone two major systematic revisions since 1960. Scientific Name: Cedrela odorata. Almendro. 1 (M) 27 October 2015 . Looking into the canopy Photograph by: Reinaldo Aguilar. Three Cedrela species are included in the Appendix III of CITES: C. fissilis, C. odorata and C. angustifolia (listed as C. lilloi). • Tangential section. 10/14/10. 2018 ). Trade: Exported by Peru and Bolivia. Cedrela odorata L. is one of the most important timber species currently traded in the Caribbean and Central America; however, it has been intensively exploited. **II** [GENUS listing Cedrela spp.] CHEMBL1979074 . Distribution: Native to Central and South America and the Caribbean; also grown on plantations .
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