2021Learn more. 1; noun slasher attacker who uses a knife 1; noun slasher violent or gory horror film 1; noun slasher a person or thing that slashes 0; See all 7 definitions of slasher . Der plot des Slasherfilms ist hochgradig stereotypisiert: Überwiegend junge Leute sind einer nicht näher begründeten Bedrohung und Verfolgung ausgesetzt, die in blutigen Morden gipfelt. (informal, film) A horror movie with graphic blood and violence. Every slasher has a killer. The 1930s was a tough period for America. We subscribe to Howell’s and Clover’s date of 1974 as the birth of the Slasher film sub-genre, beginning with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Black Christmas. Found 35 sentences matching phrase "slasher film".Found in 8 ms. Information and translations of slasher in the most comprehensive … Das englische Verb to splatter bedeutet „spritzen“. First appearance: before 1550. ‘At the same time it's a slasher film, a brutal thriller, and deeply moving tragedy.’ ‘Thai horror films tend to follow the structure of a slasher film.’ ‘What is important for our purposes is the connection between the masked killer in the slasher film and the notion of the disappearing body.’ The Horror Genre and Cultural Fears. slasher film Übersetzung, Englisch - Englisch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'slasher movie',splasher',slash',slather', biespiele, konjugation This leading character is luckily spared from the vicious attacks of the murderer. slasher movie meaning: 1. a film in which people, especially young women, are killed very violently with knives 2. a movie…. A slasher movie 2017 October 27, Alex McLevy, “Making a Killing: The Brief Life and Bloody Death of the Post-Scream Slasher Revival”, in The A.V. 1930’s Horror Horror and The Depression. I didn’t realize that the stupidity of the characters and directions was supposed to be that way. An exploitation film is a film that attempts to succeed financially by exploiting current trends, niche genres, or lurid content. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Slasher film Definition: a film in which victims are slashed with knives, razors , etc | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele slasher - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. While she ultimately escapes Leatherface and his family, it is simply because she manages to outrun them and escape on the truck. Ein Slasher-Film ist ein Subgenre von Horrorfilmen, in denen ein Mörder eine Gruppe von Menschen ermordet, normalerweise mit Werkzeugen mit Klingen. slasher film Übersetzung, Englisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'slasher movie',slash',smasher',slasher movie', biespiele, konjugation it’s A 17 letters crossword definition. WhatCulture Contributor. Spanish / Español: película f de casquería. The slasher film, therefore, appears to flip this, forcing men to project their ego onto a female protagonist. noun slasher a horror film depicting such a criminal and featuring gory special effects. Slasher definition is - one that slashes; especially : a person who mutilates or kills with an edged blade. Next time when searching the web for a clue, try using the search term “1996 slasher film crossword” or “1996 slasher film crossword clue” when searching for help with your puzzles. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. They sometimes attract critical attention and cult followings. Now that we've covered our horror film definition, let's take a look back at a history of horror movies. The character of Sally doesn’t exactly fit comfortably into Clover’s Final Girl theory, as Sally is rather passive throughout the film. slasher film. English: slasher film slasher movie N película f de casquería. Patrons of a slasher film or a rape-revenge film know more or less what to expect well before the film rolls, and at least one horror director (William Friedkin) has suggested that their emotional engagement with the movie begins while they are standing in line-a proposition that acknowledges the profoundly formulaic nature of the enterprise. Learn more. Twitter. The Killer . As mentioned, not all of the secondary elements need be present for a film to qualify as a Slasher, but the more are present, the more the movie fits our definition of a Slasher. Define slasher film. Auf der Suche nach Slasherfilmen? Definition of slasher in the Definitions.net dictionary. The slasher film (sometimes referred to as bodycount films and dead teenager movies) is a sub-genre of horror film typically involving a psychopathic killer (sometimes wearing a mask) who stalks and graphically murders a series of adolescent victims in a typically random, unprovoked fashion, killing many within a single day. von engl. Showing page 1. More example sentences The Definition of a Slasher Film. While everyone can agree that the Friday the 13th movies are slasher films, and that films like The Exorcist are not slashers, there are a lot of films that horror fans continue to debate. A man watching a slasher film automatically searches for the male character through whom he is to project his ego; this usually results in either the boyfriend or male friend, who is often undeveloped and dies early in the film. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Geschichte Ursprünge und Einflüsse. Meaning of slasher. He's usually male, and his identity is often concealed either by a mask or by creative lighting and camerawork. The definition of a slasher film varies depending on who you ask, but in general, it contains several specific traits that feed into the subgenre's formula. slash, ‚aufschlitzen‘) ist ein Subgenre des Horrorfilms, bei dem eine Gruppe von Teenagern von einem Killer bedroht wird (daher auch teilweise Teenie-/Teenager-Horrorfilm). Molitorand Spolsky (1993) formally define the slasher film as follows: A commercially‐released, feature‐length film containing suspense‐evoking scenes in Introduction In certain spine-chilling and hair-raising films with horror and suspense genre wherein everyone dies except for one female survivor. One that slashes. So when I watched Amy Holden Jones ‘ 1982 satirical slasher film The Slumber Party Massacre I wasn’t sure what to make of it at first. (also slasher film, slasher movie) A horror movie, especially one in which victims (typically women or teenagers) are slashed with knives and razors. How to use slasher in a sentence. I am the kind of person who takes things literally. This lone survivor is the personification of a Final Girl concept of this particular film classification. Definition of slasher noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Origin of slasher . Next Posted On: 16 th Jul 2015 Contributor. Exploitation films are generally low-quality "B movies". Was Psycho (1960) a slasher film… Geschichte Ursprünge und Einflüsse. Der Slasher-Film oder Slasherfilm (engl. Sie können aus dem langweiligsten Drama einen Actionkracher und … slash = schlitzen Oft zur Serie ausgedehnte Form des Horrorfilms, die sich an ein vorwiegend jugendliches Publikum richtet. Auf KINO.de findest du die besten Slasherfilme nach Beliebtheit, Jahren, Ländern oder FSK sortiert. slasher film synonyms, slasher film pronunciation, slasher film translation, English dictionary definition of slasher film. slasher movie definition: 1. a film in which people, especially young women, are killed very violently with knives 2. a movie…. Trailer und Teaser sind ganz schön pfiffig. This time we are looking on the crossword puzzle clue for: 1996 slasher film. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: slasher n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (film) A horror movie which depicts gory, murderous violence, often including scenes of torture. : informal (attacker who uses a knife) (ES): navajero, navajera nm, nf nombre masculino, nombre femenino: Sustantivo que varía en género.Se usa el artículo masculino (el, un) o femenino (la, una) según el caso. Das Genre erfuhr vor allem in den späten 1970er und frühen 1980er Jahren seine Blütezeit. What does slasher mean? Most of the time I don’t get it. Slasher-Film. Verschiedene Begriffe wie Stalker-film, 11 stalk and slash-film, teen-slasher oder teenie-kill-pic 12 sowie andere Subgenres, die thematisch sehr eng am Slasher angelehnt sind, 13 verdeutlichen die Problematik. Here are 20 failsafe rules and tips about how to survive in a slasher film. The definition of a slasher film varies depending on who you ask, but in general, it contains several specific traits that feed into the genre’s formula. Translations. Eine Definition der Videos in Kurzform. Bodies aka Paramedics - Two brothers posing as paramedics k*dnap their victims and harvest their organs for the black market. Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film, Carol J. Clover. en The film also influenced American film productions: John Carpenter has suggested that the film inspired the idea of a featureless mask for the Michael Myers character in the slasher film … slasher film translation in English-Greek dictionary. Characterized by gory violence: slasher movies. Some of these films, such as Night of the Living Dead (1968), set trends and become historically important. slash, ‚aufschlitzen‘) ist ein Subgenre des Horrorfilms, bei dem eine Gruppe von Teenagern von einem Killer bedroht wird (daher auch teilweise Teenie-/Teenager-Horrorfilm). Scholars have also studied slasher films, and have provided a more formal definition than the one that I just provided. Information block about the term. First off I must confess I am not a big fan of satire. adj. Das Genre erfuhr vor allem in den späten 1970er und frühen 1980er Jahren seine Blütezeit. Through the decades, the horror movie has evolved to reflect what we we fear the most, as explained in this video. Als Splatterfilm bezeichnet man eine Art des Horrorfilms, bei der die Darstellung von exzessiver Gewalt und Blut im Vordergrund steht. One of the 31% oldest English words . A slasher film is a subgenre of horror films involving a killer murdering a group of people, usually by use of bladed tools. Slasher film definition: a film in which victims are slashed with knives, razors , etc | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples History. The term "slasher film", like most categories, is kind of arbitrary. Der Slasher-Film oder Slasherfilm (engl.
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