richard phillips muse

Richard Phillips nasce a Winchester, in Massachusetts, il 16 maggio 1955. Richard Phillips (Winchester, 16 maggio 1955) è un comandante marittimo e scrittore statunitense, ex-comandante della nave mercantile Maersk Alabama, dirottata l'8 aprile 2009 da un gruppo di quattro pirati somali Cenni biografici. They come on board so Phillips instructs the crew to hide. The pirates go to the bridge and tell Phillips they want money and when Phillips offers what they have which is about $30,000, the leader has his mind set on getting millions. BRIT Certified UK record labels association the BPI administers and certifies the iconic BRIT Certified Platinum, Gold and Silver Awards Programme. Sam Phillips, Actress: Die Hard: With a Vengeance. Sam Phillips began her entertainment career as a Contemporary Christian Music singer, where she made a number of albums under the name "Leslie Phillips". Richard Phillips (born May 16, 1955) is an American merchant mariner and author who served as captain of the MV Maersk Alabama during its hijacking by Somali pirates in April 2009. The Maersk Alabama hijacking led to a series of maritime events that began on 8 April 2009, when four pirates in the Indian Ocean seized the cargo ship Maersk Alabama at a distance of 240 nautical miles (440 km; 280 mi) southeast of Eyl, Somalia.The siege ended after a rescue effort by the United States Navy on 12 April.. The Captain, Richard Phillips deduces they're pirates so he tries to keep them off the ship but fails.

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