2021In 1960, an American named Luther George Simjian invented the Bankograph, a machine that allowed customers to deposit cash and checks into it. A British inventor named John Shepherd-Barron is credited with its invention. Een eerste mechanische biljetuitgifteapparaat, dat men een geldautomaat zou kunnen noemen, dateert uit 1939. [2. In 1967, John Shepherd-Barron came up with a bright idea of money vending machine, which was implemented a London bank called Barclays. Устройство выдавало наличные, но при этом не могло списать их со счёта: аппарат не был связан с банком. Las tarjetas de cajero automático tenían que ser diferentes de las tarjetas de crédito (entonces sin bandas magnéticas) para poder incluir la información de la cuenta. The machine allowed customers to withdraw a maximum of GBP10 at a time. Het werd ontwikkeld en gebouwd door Luther George Simjian en geïnstalleerd bij de City Bank of New York, in New York, nu de Citibank.De automaat werd echter door de klanten niet geaccepteerd en na zes maanden weer verwijderd. A probarlo. Many experts believe that the first ATM was the creation of Luther Simjian, called Bankograph. Januar: John O’Hara, US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller († 1970) 31. Januar: Heinz Lieberich, Rechtshistoriker und Archivar († 1999) 29. Januar: Eli Lotar, französischer Fotograf († 1969) 31. En 1939 fue inventado por Luther George Simjian, bajo la marca Bankmatic. The first ATM was set up in June 1967 on a street in Enfield, London at a branch of Barclays bank. Januar: Luther George Simjian, Erfinder († 1997) 29. The customer entered an identification code and can draw a maximum of £10 at a time. Batiz-Lazo pointed to American Luther George Simjian’s invention of the Bankograph in 1960, machine that would allow bank customers to deposit checks and cash into a … Earlier machines used paper vouchers instead of plastic cards. Januar: Barnett Newman, US-amerikanischer Maler († 1970) 30. … Luther George Simjian che registrò nel 1930 a New York un brevetto; Donald Wetzel e altri due ingegneri che registrarono un brevetto il 4 giugno 1973. Trong hồ sơ bằng sáng chế của Hoa Kỳ, Luther George Simjian đã được ghi nhận là người đã phát triển một "thiết bị nghệ thuật tiền nhiệm". Fue probado por primera vez en un banco perteneciente a lo que hoy en día es Citicorp (Citibank) pero después de seis meses el banco informó que existía poca demanda para su uso. Cash Dispenser----- 1969 Turkey by Luther Simjian CCDs----- 1969 USA Charge Coupled Device - to capture image Communication Satellite----- 1962 USA Telstar Computer Mouse----- 1964 USA by Douglas Engelbart Fibre Optics----- 1966 England by Charles Keo and George Hockham Don Wetzel, Tom Barnes y George Chastain desarrollaron las primeras tarjetas de cajero automático que tenían una banda magnética y un número de identificación personal para obtener efectivo. Il modello inaugurato nel 1967 accettava soltanto voucher monouso, che venivano trattenuti dalla macchina. Here are the 35 of famous, life-changing and best human inventions from ancient times to modern times that changed the world and transformed life on the Earth. Luther George Simjian) ещё в 1939 году.
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