2021That's like saying, let's talk about the environment, and not discuss climate change. Video game retailer GameStop, famous for its massive price spike in January 2020, is once again in the news. The WallStreetBets crowd used Robinhood to purchase … There will likely be a way to defuse the situation of Gamestop being on the threshold list with the blatant bullshit collaboration going on here. Robinhood is a trading app that enables free stock trading. Jan 28, 2021 #1 SO much for free markets. Lesson learned. Obwohl das Unternehmen fundamental nicht glänzt. Im disappointed no one alerted us to the gamestop short squeeze going on right now. The article is now dated because it doesn't include enough info about the subsequent rise. Seite 4 von 77 Neuester Beitrag: 29.01.21 04:11 Hedge funds have covered their shorts. 83 16. Thread starter nsaspook; Start date Jan 28, 2021; Search Forums; New Posts; Thread Starter. First Prev. Shorts sellers in GameStop are down $6.58 billion in year-to-date mark-to-market losses, including $339 million from Tuesday’s more than 16% gain and … News und Foren zu Computer, IT, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik. Seite 2 der Diskussion 'Short Squeeze: Gamestop: Spektakuläres Kräftemessen von Shortsellern und Tradern - Chef-Analyst: „Em' vom 26.01.2021 im w:o-Forum 'w:o News'. Page 247 of 247 . As hedge funds and a Reddit community square off … GameStop New (A) • YoMachete schreibt: In dem wir long gehen Lesen Sie die neusten Einträge im GameStop New (A)-Forum und diskutieren Sie mit unserer Börsennews-Community. The GameStop short squeeze is a reminder that the stock market is not necessarily the study of business fundamentals. You know—rob from the rich, give to the poor. Community. Search this thread. It has become a war against wall street hedge funds that have had their way with retail investors since forever. If the shorter can't cover, the bank/broker will start to sell positions (at their choosing generally) in the shorter's portfolio in order to get their money back. It’s one of those confluence-of-events types of scenarios where everything’s set up just so, and the setup is so widely followed that it takes on a life of its own. Joined Aug 27, 2009 8,077. Doch die … The GameStop short squeeze Home. Mit einem erzwungenen Short Squeeze bei der GameStop-Aktie haben Privatanleger Ende Januar die Wall Street durchgerüttelt und das Papier in astronomische Höhen getrieben. 26.05.2021 - Zu Beginn dieses Jahres ist die Einzelhandelskette für Computerspiele in die Schlagzeilen geraten. Gamestop - Short Squeeze! The stock pared most of those gains in … What would you have us do here, in terms of discussing the stock? It's those sales that might cause a domino effect on the broader market especially with electronic/momentum trading that might cause a speedy crash in certain stocks followed by certain sectors followed by the market itself. The GameStop short squeeze. Vor allem auch zu … Somit steigert sich künstlich die Nachfrage für ein Wertpapier, dadurch steigt natürlich der Preis an der Börse. Am 27. Der ... Melvin hatte innerhalb weniger Wochen 30 % seiner Einlagegelder durch den Short Squeeze verloren, nachdem es GameStop geshortet hatte. The great short squeeze thesis yet again failed to play out. Preisvergleich von Hardware und Software sowie Downloads bei Heise Medien. FrequentPoster wrote: ↑ That's a great question, I appreciate the question. Folgend die Definition von wikipedia: „Short Squeeze (englisch squeeze: Knappheit, Engpass, Klemme) ist die Angebotsknappheit eines Wertpapiers (meist einer Aktie), das zuvor in großer Anzahl leerverkauft („geshortet“) wurde. Gamestop Aktie – Short-Squeeze des Jahres . There’s no simple reason that Gamestop (NYSE: GME) became the subject of the most high-profile short squeeze anyone can remember. Januar hatten die großen institutionellen Short-Anleger 14,3 Milliarden Dollar Verlust erlitten. And we have a three surge stage that frequently marks tops in short squeezes. Geldhelden: Stefanieugtfa: 25.04.21 01:24 20 Gamestop Short über CFD memue: MareikeS Seite 197 von 208 Neuester Beitrag: 23 ... A short squeeze due to a sudden increase in demand for shares of our Class A Common Stock that largely exceeds supply has led to, and may continue to lead to, extreme price volatility in shares of our Class A Common Stock. Teilen ... Es entstand ein kleiner Internetstreit zwischen Citron und einer Reddit-Gruppe (Forum) mit dem Namen WallStreetBets (WSB), die gegen Citron's Aufruf gewehrt und offenbar geholfen, einen massiven Short Squeeze auf die Aktie zu erzeugen. This summarizes the DD on it the best. Marktanalyst. … GME - Short-Squeeze möglich | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum | Diskussionsboard | Community von boerse-online.de Institutional short sellers aren't going to panic cover themselves into an infinite squeeze, never mind that the size of the public float is really 117.26 million shares (official data for 9/29 just came out). May 26th, 2021 11:42 am. A short squeeze helped send GameStop shares increase by more than 1,600% in January to a record high of $483. Forums. Anleger sahen einen massiven Short-Squeeze, welcher die Kurse der Gamestop … About 20.3% of GameStop shares and about 20.6% of AMC shares are currently sold short, the report quoted Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing director of predictive analytics at S3, as saying. Thank you for the question. I'm updating the portion about "Decline in value" to mention that some retail investors lost if they didn't continue to hold Netdragon (talk) 12:47, 17 March 2021 (UTC) 1. nsaspook. S3 Partners estimates GameStop short interest sits at 11.55 million shares, or 20.3% of the shares available for trading. Gamestop (GME) short squeeze The more people jump in and hold, the stronger the bubble pops (short sellers) with short interest at >100% of float. Jump to page: / 247. onvista Forum. Was ist ein Short Squeeze? 03 February 2021. We would need reliable sources to describe and characterize the later events that way. 147; 197; 237; 245; 246; 247; Search this thread. Gamestop (GME) short squeeze. My guess is the squeeze is over. I'm particularly leery about the "those who didn't hold..." wording, which directly contradicts the sources we'r… Forum. For instance, the graph is out of date. GME - Short-Squeeze möglich. Last Updated: May 26th, 2021 5:11 pm; Tags: gamestop; short; squeeze; dfv; SCORE +67. Konstantin Oldenburger. GameStop Stock is Going Up Again – But It Isn’t a “Short Squeeze” This Time. Bei einem Short-Squeeze realisiert der Short-Seller Verluste indem er Aktien kauft um die Verluste einzugrenzen und zu realisieren. wsb-Gedankengang war, jetzt gemeinsam so viele Aktien zu kaufen und zu halten wie möglich, um den FreeFloat zu verkleinern und einen Short-Squeeze zu provozieren (Den VW Shortsqueeze von 2008 als Vorbild). Über uns. Im Forum begann eine Debatte. GME - Short-Squeeze möglich stereotyp72: hello_again: 07.05.21 16:58 52 Puts Der___spekulant: Mr_Green: 25.04.21 03:54 2 Short Squeezer- Taktik ändern Geri33: Yvonnevmtia: 25.04.21 02:39 36 Was passiert eigentlich wenn David gewinnt? Geldhelden: Stefanieugtfa: 25.04.21 01:24 20 Gamestop Short über CFD memue: MareikeS: 25.04.21 00:07 GME - Short-Squeeze möglich stereotyp72: Roothom: 14:42 52 Puts Der___spekulant: Mr_Green: 25.04.21 03:54 2 Short Squeezer- Taktik ändern Geri33: Yvonnevmtia: 25.04.21 02:39 36 Was passiert eigentlich wenn David gewinnt? Game stop was at 7 now at over $200. I am adding an Update template. Seems to me the short squeeze play was too obvious and was just bait all along. Fundamentals vs forums: Could the GameStop ‘short squeeze’ affect your portfolio? The GameStop short squeeze was making headlines before Robinhood and Citadel got involved. Off-Topic. So dachte zumindest Citron Research - seines Zeichens einer der bekanntesten Short-Seller in den USA. Warum es wichtig ist Teilnehmer im Reddit-Forum, die die Short-Squeeze-Raserei ... Short-Squeeze in GameStop Corp und andere wie der Bekleidungshändler Express, Inc haben in letzter Zeit aufgrund von Internet-Message-Boards eine Aufregung erlebt, aber ist es möglich, dass eine solche Volatilität sehr schlecht… Informationen über News Reader. reddit is driving the squeeze. Seite 1 der Diskussion 'Short Squeeze: Gamestop: Spektakuläres Kräftemessen von Shortsellern und Tradern - Chef-Analyst: „Em' vom 26.01.2021 im w:o-Forum 'w:o News'. Autor. You can buy stocks, bonds, funds, SPACs…lots of stuff. May 26th, 2021 11:42 am #4921; betafuse Newbie Nov 10, 2014 50 posts 21 upvotes Montreal, QC . Squeeze Likely Over. 25 Jan 2021, 12:30 . Investors may purchase shares of our Class A Common Stock to hedge existing … Tausende von Investoren des Reddit-Forum WallStreetBets haben bei GameStop einen Short-Squeeze erzwungen und trieben die Big Players der Finanzindustrie zur Weißglut. Die Aktie ist seit Anfang diesen Jahres innerhalb von nur vier Wochen von 17,25 USD auf über 300 USD gestiegen und hat sich somit mehr als verzehnfacht. Or maybe some hedge funds involved in these are just really incompetent and dug themselves into a deeper hole trying to cause a larger panic sell after Q2. Take profits and buy dips as you said, especially with this volatility. Good luck to all (except short sellers). Short Squeeze Gamestop: Spektakuläres Kräftemessen von Shortsellern und Tradern - Chef-Analyst: „Emotionen und Gier“ Die Aktie des Videospiel-Händlers Gamestop hat … Gamestop wurde zur Zielscheibe, da hier die Shortquote bei über 110% liegt und es ein paar gute Nachrichten gab, die den Kurs am Anfang schon gepusht haben. Robinhood’s claim is that they give stock market access to average Joe and Jane. Gamestop offers a potential asymmetric return via a non-zero likelihood of a major short squeeze. GME - Short-Squeeze möglich | Aktienforum | Aktien Forum | Diskussionsboard | Community von finanzen.net One of my kids has been playing around with a few dead-end stocks but I've got nothing in the game other than a good … Both GameStop and AMC have over 20% of their float shares sold short, according to data from S3 Partners. GameStop erwähnt im Jahresbericht "Short Squeeze" Doch bei genauerem Hinsehen fanden Mitglieder des WallStreetBets-Forums auf Reddit nun Anlass zur … News Reader ist eine … Reply to Thread Reply. I believe a small bet on deep OTM calls allows one to … That's compared with an average of 5% short interest in a typical U.S. stock. GameStop, an American chain of brick-and-mortar video game stores, had struggled in recent years due to competition from digital distribution services, as well as the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which reduced the number of people who shopped in-person.As a result, GameStop's stock price declined, leading many institutional investors to short sell the stock. It's the study of how people take risk and behave with their money, and sometimes those behaviours can be very unpredictable. 4 1
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