2021Source: The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050. Burkina Faso steht im Oktober 2017 im Mittelpunkt des Monats der Weltmission, den missio mit einer bundesweiten Kampagne begleiten wird. Der revolutionäre Aufbruch endete zunächst tragisch, blüht aber heute wieder - nach Überwindung einer 27-jährigen diktatorischen Herrschaft - zu einer für … Statistics on religious affiliation are approximate because Muslims and Christians often adhere simultaneously to some aspects of traditional or animist religious beliefs. Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was renamed "Burkina Faso… According to the 2006 census, 61 percent of the population is Muslim, predominantly Sunni, 19 percent is Roman Catholic, 4 percent belong to various Protestant groups, and 15 percent maintain exclusively indigenous beliefs. Population: 65,880 Percentage: 0.4% Folk religion: Population: 2,536,380 Percentage: 15.4% Other religion: Population: 0 Percentage: 0% Für 2021 wird erwartet, dass die Burkina Faso Bevölkerung um 622.339 Menschen zunimmt und Anfang 2022 21.840.865 Einwohner erreicht. The Government has also estimated that some 23.2 are Christians (… Statistics on religious . Religious demography. Approximately 45 percent continue to hold traditional beliefs. Dogon, Bobo und Senufo gehören zu den ältesten, noch heute in Burkina Faso lebenden Ethnien. Religions: 22, 5% de chrétiens, 61, 6% de musulmans, 15, 4 % religions traditionnelles. Jahrhundert aus dem Süden eingewandert waren und sich im Laufe der Zeit mit den alteingesessenen Bewohnern, darunter den Yonyoose, assimiliert haben. About 40 percent of Burkinabe follow traditional African religions, and 10 percent are Christian. As of 2014, its population was estimated at just over 17.3 million. Franzöische Kolonialzeit im 19 Jh. 76.9: Percent praying to God more than once per week.---Percent that meditate or pray. Senufo . Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa around 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 sq mi) in size. Une estimation de 2010 de la Central Intelligence Agency donnait 62,5 % de musulmans, 23,2 % de catholiques, 7,8 % de pratiquants des religions traditionnelles ou de l'animisme, et 6,5 % de protestants. The belief system has three main elements: a god, spirits, and ancestors. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei der Lage der Menschenrechte und der Religionsfreiheit in dem Land im Herzen von Westafrika, in dem Muslime, Christen und Anhänger traditioneller afrikanischer Religionen zusammenleben. It forms 5.3% of the entire Burkina Faso’s population and speaks the Mande languages. Burkina Faso gilt als … The Government of Burkina Faso stated in its most recent census (2006) that 60.5% of the population practice Islam, and that the majority of this group belong to the Sunni branch, while a growing minority adheres to the Shi'a branch. Religious Behaviors: 2005: Percent attending religious services at least once a month. The population of Burkina Faso is estimated to be approximately 12 million of which 51.8 per cent are women. Cathedral of Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso is a religiously diverse society, with Islam being the dominant religion. According to a recent census (2019) conducted by the Government of Burkina Faso, 89% of the population adheres to Islam. Burkina Faso es un país religiosamente diverso con el islam como la religión dominante. The historic Mossi Kingdom ruled the land until French colonial powers arrived in the nineteenth century. 61. D'après le recensement général de 2006, 61 % sont musulmans, en majorité sunnites, 19 % sont catholiques, 4 % appartiennent à divers groupes Willst du die Anzahl und den Prozentsatz der Religionen in Burkina Faso kennen. La mayoría de los musulmanes en Burkina Faso representan la escuela Malikí, dentro del islam suní, profundamente influida por el sufismo. A former French colony, Burkina Faso gained independence in 1960. Liste der religiösen Bevölkerung in Burkina Faso Les religions pratiquées au Burkina Faso. Over 52 percent of women in the country are married before the age of 18 and 10 percent are married before the age of 15. Over the last year, Open Doors’ World Watch List research unit has begun researching the West African country that has jumped into our list of countries we’re watching closely.. Source: The estimation data for section "Burkina Faso age structure" is based on the latest demographic and social statistics by United Nations Statistics Division . Dependency ratio of population is a ratio of people who are generally not in the labor force (the dependents) to workforce of a country (the productive part of population). The Senufo people, also known as the Siena, Senefo, Sene, and Bamana, live in the western part of Burkina Faso. Need to upgrade your business skills? Less than 1 percent is atheist or belongs to other religious groups. A King still rules and influences the people today, although he has lost all legitimate political power. Le Burkina Faso est l'un des pays les plus hétérogènes d'Afrique pour ses nombreuses croyances locales ou importées. The Muslim-majority nation (Christians make up roughly 35 percent) has long been known for its peaceful coexistence between different religious and ethnic groups. The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the Government generally respected this right in practice. In Burkina Faso, forced marriage is a frequent occurrence, especially for girls of a very young age. Burkina Faso International Religious Freedom Report 2007 Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Le Burkinabè est profondément croyant. Le Burkina Faso est un pays membre de l' Organisation de la coopération islamique. The Government of Burkina Faso stated in its most recent census (2008) that 60.5 of the population practice Islam, and that the majority of this group belong to the Sunni branch, while a growing minority adheres to the Shi'a branch. than 1 percent is atheist or belongs to other religious groups. Although I have taken account of six decades of research, I highlight the current picture of religious studies in Burkina Faso, in order to understand its major trends. <1% 22.5% 15.4% <1% <1% 61.6% <1% <1% Buddhists Christians Folk Religions Hindus Jews Muslims Other Religions Unaffiliated 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Highcharts.com. While Burkina Faso is not one of the 50 countries on the 2019 World Watch List, it isn’t far behind at No. the initial studies on religions in Burkina Faso in the late 1950s to the presentday. Main article: Religion in Burkina Faso. wurde von jungsteinzeitlichen Kulturen Landwirtschaft betrieben. BURKINA FASO 2. International Religious Freedom Report for 2016 United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. The Mossi people constitute the largest single people group in Burkina Faso, occupying a large area in the center of the country. According to our estimations, daily change rates of Burkina Faso population in 2021 will be the following: 2,369 live births average per day (98.73 in an hour) 578 deaths average per day (24.10 in an hour)-86 emigrants average per day (-3.58 in an hour) The population of Burkina Faso will be increasing by 1,705 persons daily in 2021. Protestants are generally against the teaching of the Roman Catholic teachings and majorly based in either Ouagadougou as well as Bobo-Dioulasso. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the Government during the period covered by this report, and government policy continued to contribute to the generally free practice of religion. Vor etwa 14.000 Jahren lebten Jäger und Sammler im Nordwesten des heutigen Burkina Faso. Religions: Muslim 61.5%, Roman Catholic 23.3% , traditional/animist 7.8%, Protestant 6.5%, other/no answer 0.2%, none 0.7% (2010 est.) About 43 percent practice Islam, which has been strong for centuries among the Marka, Dyula, and Fulbe, and since the colonial era among the Mossi. Protestant Christianity in Burkina Faso is the minority religion as it constitutes only 5.5% of the entire population. Geschichte von Burkina Faso. Choose the safest learning opportunity with an MBA! Religions > All: This entry includes a rank ordering of religions by adherents starting with … Burkina Faso Religions. The traditional religion of the Burkinabe is similar to that of many other African peoples. They are majorly Sunni Islam’s but still adhere to the traditional African beliefs to some extent. Selon les estimations du gouvernement des États-Unis, la population totale du Burkina Faso s’élève à 19,5 millions d'habitants (estimations de juillet 2016). BURKINA FASO The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the Government generally respected this right in practice. Forced marriage often puts girls in jeopardy of increasing health resources and losing access to education. Among more than 50 distinct ethnic groups, only a few such as the Bella do … It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo and Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest. Its capital is Ouagadougou. Women won the right to universal suffrage in 1956, with the adoption of the Framework Law (Loi Cadre). Statistics on religion in Burkina Faso are inexact, because Islam and Christianity are often practiced in tandem with African traditional religions. Meet top business schools on 14th April! Travel the world from your living room with the … While exact statistics on religious affiliation are not available and vary widely, the Government estimated in its most recent census (1996) that approximately 60 percent of the population practice Islam, and that the majority of this group belong to the Sunni branch. A significant number of Sunni Muslims identify with the Tijaniyah Sufiorder. According to a 1999 Demographic and Health Survey of 6,445 women nationally, 71.6 percent of the women of Burkina Faso, regardless of class and religion, and often regardless of region or ethnic group, have undergone this procedure. Factbook > Countries > Burkina Faso > Demographics. Degré d’atteinte à la liberté religieuse, selon l’Aide à l’Eglise en détresse (AED): Pas d’atteinte à la liberté religieuse. De acuerdo con el censo de 2006 organizado por el gobierno de Burkina Faso, un 60,5% de la población son musulmanes. than 1 percent is atheist or belongs to other religious groups. But now, Muslim extremist violence is on the rise, fueling panic and fear over decreasing stability in the greater Sahel region. Die ehemals französische Kolonie wurde 1984 in Burkina Faso, d.h. „Land der Unbestechlichen“, umbenannt. It is common among all of the nation’s 45 provinces, but is particularly widespread in 14 of them. affiliation are approximate because Muslims and Christians often adhere simultaneously to some aspects of indigenous religious beliefs. Burkina Faso Religion, Economy and Politics The majority of the population in Burkina Faso, 60.5%, practice Islam. UNICEF is committed to doing all it can to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in partnership with governments, civil society, business, academia and the United Nations family – and especially children and young people. A listing, photos, maps and graphs of the ethnic people groups of Burkina Faso including language, progress scale, percent Evangelical and Professing Christian, and primary religion for each people group. Burkina Faso: Bevölkerung 2021. It also explores the various subjects tackled. For example, in Burkina Faso, 45% of people who practice folk religions, 40% of Muslims and 24% of Christians live in polygamous households. Zwischen 3600 und 2600 v. Chr. Zahlenmäßig stärkste Ethnie sind die Mossi(40 %), deren Vorfahren etwa im 15. They are widely known for their creativity featuring cultural themes and religious beliefs … Current figures estimate the Muslim population of Burkina Faso at 50 percent. Chad is the only country in this analysis where Christians (21%) are more likely than Muslims (10%) to live in this type of arrangement. Der natürliche Anstieg wird voraussichtlich positiv sein, da die Zahl der Geburten die Zahl der Todesfälle um 653.743 übersteigen wird. In der Folge entwickelte dieses Gemisch aus autochthonen Gruppen (tẽng-biisi genannt) und Eroberern (nakombse) durch gemeinsame Sprache, Gründungsmythen, Rituale und hierarchisch organisierte Machtstrukturen eine ethnische Identität mit dem Moogo naaba als geistigem … According to a recent census (2019) conducted by the Government of Burkina Faso, 89% of the population adheres to Islam. The vast majority of Muslims in Burkina Faso are Malikite Sunni, deeply influenced by Sufism. The Shi'a branch of Islam also has a small presence in the country. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the Government during the period covered by this report, and government policy continued … Attacks against civilians were once rare in Burkina Faso, a landlocked country of about 20 million people, about 60 percent of whom are Muslim and 30 percent Christian. A tolerant country in matters of religion, Burkina Faso has no major conflicts between the religions. Unaffiliated. The remainder of the population of relatively religiously diverse, with 23.2% practicing Christianity, 15.3% following indigenous beliefs, and the remaining 1% having no reported religion. (Burkina Faso is strategically positioned on the southern end the Sahel.) Definition: This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. Le Burkina Faso (prononciation : /buʁ.ki.na fa.so/), littéralement « Pays des Hommes intègres », couramment appelé Burkina, est un pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest sans accès à la mer, anciennement république de Haute-Volta.Il est entouré par le Mali au nord-ouest, le Niger au nord-est, le Bénin au sud-est, le Togo au sud-est, le Ghana au sud et la Côte d'Ivoire au sud-ouest.
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